With our endless passion for all things diet related, "gluten-free" is now what "low-carb" was not such a long time ago, the next "sure thing" in diets. Today, all kinds of gluten-free items are being promoted by surgically thin spokeswomen and even Chelsea Clinton's wedding cake was said to be gluten-free.
In fact, it seems that the surge in popularity and attention looks like it's fueled mostly by celebrity interest. More than one actress speaks about remaining gluten-free in public and a few even refer to it on their internet sites.
As opposed to other legitimate diet evil doers like trans-fats and cholesterol, gluten isn't at all bad for your diet. There's only a few people whose systems cannot tolerate gluten and fashioning an entirely gluten-free life-style is very expensive and very tough.
Likewise encouraging the diet's reputation are the many claims that being "gluten-free" causes you to be much more active and dynamic. Among the claims that have attained wide spread notice is the claim that there is such a thing as a "gluten hang over". To this point, scientific research has not been ready to substantiate such a condition.
The protein does affect some people, mostly those who are afflicted with celiac disease. These people experience an immune reaction from eating foods containing gluten. This condition is thought to impact about one percent of the overall population.
But, as reported by one marketing research company, almost 25% of adults in the U.S. are practicing avoiding gluten either partially, or totally. Simply put, the vast majority of people staying away from gluten are doing so from choice rather than need.
Most researchers say there's no harm in avoiding gluten provided your diet is balanced. Being completely gluten-free whilst still being nutritionally balanced can be hard because of the shortage of food choices. And be aware that anything claiming to have no gluten may still contain unhealthy levels of calories, salt, or other substances also.
Regardless, the diet supplement market that is greatly assisting the enthusiasm continues to enjoy rapid growth.In America alone, sales of foodstuff professing to be gluten-free have easily doubled during the last five years to more than a billion and a half dollars annually.
A healthy diet is the key to long life and happiness! Learn more about building a healthy diet at Chia Benefits
An article that looks at the two classifications of omega-3 fatty acids can be located here.
Another article that discusses methods to lower cholesterol without resorting to drugs is located here.
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